That title is a little harsh, dont worry please read on as this blog might just be the catalyst for you to accept responsibility and stop blaming your circumstances for your health. If you blame other things on an inability to eat well, to train or to get fit its a classic example of not taking responsibility for your problems.
This is probably the number 1 reason why people fail at weight loss!
It is so much easier to say I cant go to the gym or class (PT) because I might be late getting back to cook the kids food or baby sit rather than saying the truth: “I cant be arsed but I have a wicked excuse”.
Generally during my first consultation unless I forget, I ask my would-be client to accept responsibility for their predicament, it gets some strange looks but its so important. If they blame other stuff for getting fat, they will always blame other stuff when they cant follow my advice later when they feel tired and a little hungry.
I will always try and help every client to the very best of my ability and knowledge, I even spent a year learning about mindset and counselling, but some clients just have a permanent excuse up their sleeves for everything and perhaps just love being the victim (as they wont accept my mind set assistance).
“You can lead a horse to water but sometimes you cant stop that horse drinking wine and lager each night instead”
Some of the bullshit excuses, that can be looked at differently... before I outline these and people think that I am being really harsh, remember there are real people with these same issues(excuses) and more that get and keep themselves in amazing shape. “They dont use life as an excuse.
- I will start training when (insert rubbish excuse) I lose some weight, kids finish school, when my sore knee is better etc etc blah blah. For health, tomorrow never comes, if you procrastinate you will achieve the same amount as the action you take(ZERO) success comes out of constantly taking action and not constantly thinking about taking action. You show me a procrastinator you will likely be showing me someone that is in poor health and not successful. Making decisions is a choice, you chose not to make them and this negatively effects all aspects of life & in the words of Tony Robbins “make a decision right now” and never stop making them.
- I cant train because i have some (insert ailment) diabetes, thyroid issues, hormonal issues etc. so flippin what you can train with no legs or arms, just look at the Para Olympians. I have trained clients with every skeletal & muscular injury and also clients with CHD(heart problems). One of my clients has trained trough chemotherapy and is currently training in between post Cancer surgery. So most of the rubbish excuses using an illness are invalid and in most cases exercise is the best way to improve the condition.
- Cant afford a gym, classes or a PT. This has always cracked me up: generally most folks even on average incomes can afford a nice car, a large sky TV package, takeaway food, eating out once or twice a week, alcohol a few times a week, all of the big name food brands, women have shit loads of make up & shoes etc etc. Possesions dont really make you happy, maybe the odd nice thing (I love my vw camper for instance) but look at all of these people that win the often ruins them and makes them unhappy. This is about prioritising your money, is junk food, alcohol, cigarettes, driving when you can walk or cycle and watching lots of TV going to make you happier and live longer? NOPE. Things that make you sit on your fat arse are not positive for your health(including driving 10 metres to the shops rather than all do it!) I like this saying “would you rather a flat screen telly or a flat belly”? I like the odd TV show “game of thrones is awesome” but i dont have a TV which gives me much more time for learning, developing, building my business, getting outside & switching off. AGAIN I have lots of clients paying my high prices on low income jobs, because they value their health over possesions or frivolous things that dont bring happiness. Prioritise stuff you need (your health) over stuff you dont need
- I need alcohol it de-stresses me: drinking during the week is a sure fire way of ensuring you have zero weight loss results, can't put on muscle, get more stressed, become very unwell & unhappy. Firstly physiologically it DOES NOT de-stress you, in fact quite the opposite as it’s a stimulant and full of sugar it puts a huge load on your adrenal glands, releases insulin, stops growth hormone & pretty much stops weight loss or muscle gain for up to 24 hours. It’s a cycle too... drink on a monday night because of a stressful monday and then sleep bad, feel knackered and have a terrible tuesday becoming more stressed and desperate for another drink when work finishes, repeated all week. From my experience (i have done this too) people that drink during the week are constantly stressed, constantly tired, over or underweight, unhappy, unable to think clearly, not performing at their best at work, prone to illness and weak immune system. You dont need it, dont do it, because its difficult to stop if you want help with a mindset tool give me a shout.
- I cant cook healthy food because my family wont eat it: If your family understood the implications of being really unfit & overweight and how that can limit life, leading to a number of illnesses maybe they may be more helpful. Sometimes just an honest chat with the family on why healthy food is better than rubbish, sure your family want you around for a longer period dont they? Possible get the family involved in the preperation of food and make it a family thing. Worse case scenario you can get cheap healthy meals sent your door even in County Durham “Live Fit Box in PeakBody Gym”
- I hate drinking water & dont like the flavour: FFS you are made up of primarily water and it is absolutely essential for good health. If you drink other things like soft drinks even diet or coffee all of the time, firstly you are not properly hydrating. Often all of your glands and organs have to work harder to clean the liquid you are putting in, especially adrenal glands, liver and kidneys. Through reactions needed in the body to deal with certain fluids , often they can dehydrate you (why drink fluid to dehydrate you... it makes no sense). Being fully hydrated which means drinking enough water, at least a couple of litres minimum, without taking build and exercise into consideration is essential for weight loss & all bodily functions. Without being hydrated with water your body will not be functioining well. If you where in the desert or war torn afghainstan wearing full kit in searing temperatures water tastes amazing really. THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR NOT DRINKING WATER.
- I cant train because of family commitments: Basically this comes down to priorities, if you are obese, unfit or unwell due to being sedentary, fitness and good nutrition should be your no 1 priority. Fitness & food will make you healthier, happier, give you a more active and fullfilled life and enable you to spend quality time with family and friends, oh yes and live longer. If your family know your health situation they should support you all the way because they want you to be around for ever, if they dont support you and keep upping your life insurance....take the hint. Dont make family as an excuse, because the only person who half believes the excuse is YOU and if you are honest you also know its rubbish.
- I dont like healthy food: who doesnt like chicken salad, eggs and a little white fish? I was really fussy as a child and even now, however tastes change so keep trying healthy foods cooked differently until it grows on you. By healthy food I am really just talking about food that hasnt been processed beyond recognition such as meat, fish, veg, fruit, salad, grains, pulses and nuts etc. If you only like junk food, microwave meals and takeaways and wont try to eat better then YOU HAVE DECIDED TO & IT'S YOUR FAULT:
- shorten your life considerably
- ruin your sleep & cause more physical and mental stress
- if you have kids, give them a disadvantaged life, make learning harder, shorten their lives
- make yours and people around you lives less enjoyable.
- have no energy, poor mind state and poor concentration for ever
- becoming a drain on the NHS and tax payers as you will need lots of treatments and medication in the future
medical help which is almost inevitable..... its a choice which you make. Healthy food actually these days is way cheaper than branded refined processed beige food, for example chicken fillets, frozen veg, salad and eggs are cheaper than branded breakfast cereal, microwave meals, chocolates and crisps, frozen pizzas or takeaways.
There are thousands more excuses that no body really believes in terms of health & weight loss, but the key thing here is they are just flipping excuses to enable you to keep doing what you have always done which will give you what you have always got (NOTHING).
If you are in poor health? if some or all of these excuses have been used by you? If you are a procrastinator? if you are having or had PT with poor results? If nothing is working for you?
Take responsibility for your life! Its the only 1 you have! No body else can help you if you dont help yourself by taking responsibility.
Take action now....taking action is amazing and freeing, once you start doing it, it becomes fun & coincidently at the same time your life becomes fuller and better(who would have guessed).
This is way harsher than most of my blogs, however sometimes it's needed. Some people just need to look inward and stop blaming other stuff for their issues & take personal responsibility and then take action now by:
- join a weight loss or running group, such as couch to 5k
- go out and do some light exercise
- join a fitness class
- see a counsellor or nutritionist
- join a weight loss group
- hire a fitness or mindset professional to help you (like me lol)
- go online and learn about healthy food
- book up on a nutrition or mindset course
- order healthy food in such as “live fit box”
- just take some action, its the only way things will change
Seriously though, If you need help or advice on whats out there and who can help then get in touch and I will see if I can point you in the right direction. I may be too expensive for most, but I can also point you in the direction of cheaper PTs or good groups and classes.
Good Luck and Take Action Now
Glenn Hill
Holistic Health Coach & Rehab County Durham